Creating Perfect Smiles Is Our Specialty


A non-invasive assessment of the current condition of your oral health. All concerns and possible treatment options can be discussed during this session.


Is a cap moulded over your existing tooth and used when a tooth is damaged from decay and can no longer keep it safe from further damage.


Dentures can either replace all the teeth in an arch or partially replace missing teeth. These are known as false teeth and are removable appliances.

Scale & Polish

This is the process of cleaning the teeth. Deposits of plaque and calculus (hardened plaque) are removed; followed by polishing which removes unwanted external stains.

Dental restoration

Restoration of decayed or fractured teeth involves the removal of damaged tooth structure and the subsequent placement of a dental material that is both aesthetic and functional.

Teeth Whitening

This is the process of whitening the teeth with approved dental materials to remove any staining due to external factors. eg smoking, consumption of certain food and drink.

Crown & Bridge

A crown or "cap" is placed over an existing decayed or fractured tooth to improve its strength and appearance. A bridge is made up of multiple crowns in areas that require a tooth/teeth to be replaced.


We offer the service of conscious sedation whereby a qualified anaesthetist accompanies the team to make anxious patients more comfortable during treatment.

Dental Fillings

Fillings are the most common way to fill in a cavity caused by dental decay. It can be done in a dentist’s office and don’t require a specialist’s care.

Creating Perfect Smiles Is Our Specialty

We are a team of dynamic professional dental surgeons and have vast experience in our various fields. We are passionate about dentistry and we treat our patients with the care that they deserve.
We look forward to welcoming you to our branches at your earliest convenience.

Perfect Lasting Smiles

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